Message from Stephen, Chair, regarding Donations

Message from the desk of
our Chair,  COCM CANADA
Brother Stephen

Thank you everyone for attending such a nice and blessed Zoom meeting with                  Rev. Roger WU regarding his Ministry Inside Ukraine on Nov 28, 2024.

The recording is now available below.  Use the passcode  provided or you can visit our website to watch the Zoom video if needed.

In case you wish to participate in prayer or other ways :

Donations in Canada can be made through Interac e-Transfer by  Canadian bank to:

[email protected]

Please specify in message to indicate where the fund is to be allocated:

1.COCM Canada General fund (support for our Missionaries Roger Wu, Robert Liang)

2. COCM Canada/Maranatha for Mission School Project (train leaders to effectively lead)

3. COCM Canada/Maranatha for projects in Ukraine such as a New Rehab Centre, etc.

4. COCM Canada/Maranatha for funds to support Ukraine families and children in Christmas gifts (local sources)

5. COCM Canada/Warsaw Chinese Church for Ukraine Refugee Projects

For projects 2 to 5, 100% of the funds received will be remitted to our partner church and mission body in Eastern Europe in Poland.

For Canadian donations, tax receipts will be sent by mail or email in early 2025  (please provide full legal name, address and email address)

Due to the current postal strike, we recommend that donations be sent by Interac e-Transfer by a Canadian bank to:

[email protected]

For donations by cheques, you can contact Stephen (604) 889-9988 or
Fanny (416) 318-9928 for special arrangement.

Cheques can be made out to:   COCM Canada

For more information, please visit our website:

Stephen Cheung,  brother
Chair,  Canada COCM
(604) 889-9988

Below is the Zoom video link for Rev. Roger Wu’s Ukraine Sharing on Nov 28, 2024:

Passcode: N*#jJ0N1
(Best to cut and paste)