Needs for Ukraine Refugee


Our Field Director Rev. Roger Wu and our field missionary Pastor Robert Liang are usually the only Chinese Missionaries based in Eastern Europe to serve the mission field these days.

The recent war in Ukraine put them in the midst of major needs, not only the spiritual need of the Chinese people there, but also the physical need of the many refugees in the region.

Rev. Roger Wu had to depart Odessa, Ukraine days ago via Moldova, then Romania, then Hungary and almost arriving in Warsaw, Poland.

Pastor Robert Liang is based in Warsaw, Poland and together with the only Chinese Church in Poland, the Warsaw Chinese Christian Church, received a lot of Chinese who had to depart Ukraine.

These are regular residents, students and some are from the churches in Ukraine. Poland received the largest number of refugees. They have needs, spiritual and physical.

Please view the document attached. ( in Chinese ).

The first batch of donation from local church and group was already wired to the Warsaw church in Poland. COCM Canada remits 100% of the donations received for this project. Bank remittance fee paid by COCM.

May God help all those in need.

May there be peace soon.

In Christ,

Stephen P Cheung


COCM Canada

cell (604) 889-9988